Saturday, April 4, 2009

Akumal Halfmoon Bay Beach

Finally less wind, which means fewer waves and less surf. There are still whitecaps but by far not as many as ealier in the week and the sea has by and large a friendlier appearance. I had writen off the two dives I had hoped to do but I would at least get some snorkeling in. James and I went out, the water clarity was much improved over our forays earlier in the week. Quite a few fish, at one time James and I were surrounded by a large school of mullets tha seemed to be circling us. We did not see the baracudas though a fisherman had promised. Lots of fan and brain coral. Lynn, Colin and Mac relieved us when we were tired. James said he saw a turtle. After the boys returned to the flat and Lynn settled in her lounger I went for another round. Saw two turtles a small one and a larger one, and more fish, in many different colors.

I love to follow te pelicans on their hunt for fish. It is amazing how a bird as large and heavy looking (I heard they are actually quite light) are able to survive a plunge into the water without any damage. I also seem to recall that they stun their prey by hitting it with their bodies (see here).

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