View Turkey Hunting--Winebago Valley (South) in a larger map
Lots of gobbling all around, but none of them seemed interested in making my acquaintance.
Headed back to the car and had a funny experience when crossing the creek: in the soft mud by the water I saw one set of fresh boot tracks not matching my own (as well as the tracks of a turkey). I wondered and puzzled and mused until I remembered that I had worn my waders on the way in (still dark), not wanting to risk wet feet. When I returned I decided to keep my knee-high rubber boots, which, it turned out, afforded ample protection from the creek.
At noon we headed for Crooked Creek to fish. Roles were reversed today and I had the most frustrating time losing fly after fly and not getting any strikes while Jim caught a lot of trout, including a 14-incher.
Scared up several great blue herons (Ardea herodias). Saw what I think to be a northern waterthrush (Seiurus noveboracensis) hopping around by the creek and several muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus), very close and quite unafraid, as well as a sunbathing roadside woodchuck (Marmota monax, of the alive, non-roadkill variety, the latter being present, too).
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