Nobody can say it quite as well as Craig:
Hey All
Great trip guys! Missed ya, Jeff. Thought you might appreciate some post-trip, round-up chat for some sort of closure.
We met around 2:30 at Riverside landing and got on the river about 5:00 or so.
Wonder what the official high was for Saturday? Temps musta ranged from a low of 24 to what, 70 degrees? Saturday was a dream with sunny skies and a nice current. Got to see dozens of 2 lb+ fish swimming up stream. By 2:30 we'd reached our "tough-guy" goal for the day and made camp. This was a well marked site and an official St Croix group campsite located on a cleared island-like piece of land. Plenty of room to soak up the sun, stretch out and enjoy the grand panoramic view of the St Croix. Christian made unforgettable Porterhouse steaks on the tripod grill. Christian's brother was easy to be around and very generous with collecting wood. Joel and I are both looking forward to learning more German so that we can talk with him the next time. We sat around the fire occasionally talking politics and just Biden our time. Some issues were hot topics while others were simply Palin in comparison. We think it only got down to 33 or something like that Saturday night.
The next morning we ate and broke camp at the crack of mid-morning.
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Great camaraderie, wonderful trip. Mark your calendars.